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Training on Community Development and Facilitation in NGO Sector

Feb 14, 2018   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  Comments Off

Mr. Khobaib A. VahedyKhbaib


























Mr. Vahedy is former country director at Muslim Aid UK.

Over the period as a Trainer & Facilitator, designed and delivered several training sessions for the development sector senior team members, social organizers and community development teams as well as the corporate workers, covering the aspects of; project management, effective community mobilization, participatory rural appraisal and sustainable development planning, mentoring & coaching, communication skills, monitoring & evaluation, team building, time management, training of trainers, disaster risk management, performance management, change management and strategic planning for in house teams and external organizations.  

Desk Research – Pre Entry to Idea Generation

Sep 6, 2017   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  Comments Off




Our specialized services are available to clients on secondary data sources and expert opinions. Our specialized services are covering various sectors with detail as follows:

  • Food, Soft Drinks and Beverages
  • Tobacco
  • Clothing and Foot Wear
  • Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels
  • Furnishing, Household Equipment and  Maintenance
  • Healthcare
  • Personal & Beauty Care
  • Transportation
  • Communication including Telecommunication
  • Recreation & Culture
  • Education
  • Restaurants and Hotels
  • Tourism
  • Waste Management
  • Agriculture & Machinery

Training Services

Aug 31, 2017   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  Comments Off


Training Workshop on Marketing Research Practicum

Admissions are open to join a new batch of trainees, preferably fresh graduates with sixteen years education and interested in joining Marketing Research industry. Our experts have designed a special course on Marketing Research Practicum for those who are interested in joining marketing research industry. This course provides an opportunity to learn research process during interactive sessions with industry experts as well as hands on practice on projects. Course duration is spread over 36 hours and available mode is offline as well as online.

  • Marketing Research Practicum (enrollment started)
  • Entrepreneurship
  • How to start your own business
  • New Product Development
  • Principles of Mobile Marketing Research
  • Writing a Project Winning Proposal
  • Questionnaire Design
  • Interviewing & Moderation
  • Qualitative Research


For more details please write to info@mohsinassociates,com

Consultancy Services

Aug 31, 2017   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  Comments Off



Mohsin Muslim provides survey research and results-focused consulting designed to grow products, brands, and businesses and prepare an Insight based strategy.

Our consultancy is distinguished by our approach, which focuses on the client’s decision needs.

Consultancy Expertise

Our consultancy expertise includes:

Brand Management Consultancy

  • Brand Awareness, Attitude, Usage & Image
  • Brand Extension & Growth strategies
  • Brand Equity, Loyalty and Positioning
  • Brand Tracking

Advertising and Communications Consultancy

  • Ad Concept, Copy and Design Testing
  • Advertising and Message Effectiveness
  • Package Testing

Customer Experience Consultancy

  • Customer Journey Maps
  • Customer Loyalty, Retention and Lifetime Value

Market Analysis

  • Market Sizing
  • Market Potential
  • Segmentation

Our Approach

Our research based consultancy offers a wide range of approaches. We offer fit for client’s need solutions, matching with their timelines and budgets. Some of our consultancy models as follows:

Consultancy on Survey Research


Consultancy on Concept, Prototype and Product Testing

Consultancy on B2B Solutions

Consultancy based upon Desk Research and Qualitative Insights

Consultative Workshops and Strategic Planning

We can facilitate decision makers in developing strategic plans that focus resources on opportunities that are most likely to generate profitable growth. Our facilitation role may cover areas as follows:

Preparation of Strategic Plans: We manage selected parts of the strategic marketing planning process, Idea generation brain storming sessions, using insights from research data and analysis.

Workshop Facilitation: We provide multiple levels of service including planning the agenda, providing frameworks and discussion tools, and moderating the discussion.

Contact us on info@mohsinassociates.com for more details.

Creating Value – From Insight to Foresight – ESOMAR MENAP Conference , Dubai

Nov 18, 2014   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  No Comments

Doing Research in Pakistan
(Dubai) The MENAP region is experiencing exceptional changes across countries providing great challenges for marketers in capturing new trends. At the same time the region boosts markets with a vibrant economy that offer a beacon of stability. On both accounts the insight industry is well positioned to help clients understanding how to connect with their customers and how to formulate the right strategy for success.
Mr. Mohsin Muslim CEO, International Field & Tab was one of the speakers at ESOMAR conference, held in Dubai in March 2014.Speaking on the occasion, he highlighted some unique characteristics of the Pakistani consumers, and presented some innovative solutions addressing the local challenges related to “Design”, “Language” and “Cultural values”. His paper was in the context of large, complex and heterogeneous population like Pakistan.

Collaborative Structures; Complementing Simplicity, Knowledge and Capability

Jun 9, 2014   //   by admin   //   Uncategorized  //  No Comments
index1Market research has been going through some changes lately where many research agencies have been going through mergers and acquisitions. The primary aim behind this is to hedge against the possible commoditization of research and maintain margins through scale. But is that the right approach? And if yes what else do they need to do. Let us examine it by understanding the three main stakeholder groups in research.

1. Clients:

Large clients want complete solution but that at competitive prices. The marketing budgets are the first ones to get affected during slow growth/recessionary periods. But as the same time it becomes more and more important to retain and satisfy customers where every competitor is fighting for a “smaller consumer wallet”. While global agencies might be able to deliver on the complete solutions it becomes hard to control costs as there are a lot of people feeding of the same plate. The structural hierarchies have to be more comprehensive and in turn the overheads fail to deliver as low cost high value solutions.

2. Agencies:

Complete service agencies have to be just that “complete service”. Although there differential competence may lie in certain areas of research but they are bound to deliver complete solutions and have to maintain infrastructure and human resources that has to complement their promise of full solutions. Clients have become more astute in demanding certain services from agencies while rejecting others. This introduces many dead weights in a research organization.

3. Respondents:

Usually during projects, freshly recruited in-experienced research executives are given the responsibility of designing research instruments which instead of asking “fewer, more important” questions, ask a lot of questions to satisfy the client, the client services manager and their own managers. By designing a lengthier, boring survey the respondent response rates and the statistical representation of actual respondents are affected. And those respondents who do respond are observed to compromise on the quality of tail end responses just to get done with a long instrument.

So what is the solution to all this. The key words are simplicity and collaboration. Clients are quite content if they are delivered quality and easy to use, useful information then “complete solutions”. So to bring value in the research process a research organization has to be an information boutique where smaller yet more focused teams work in non-hierarchical structure, banking on the experience and know how of local senior management and fresh ideas of research executives. The personal involvement of experienced professionals ensures the instruments are as meaningful as possible. This helps save a lot of time for agencies.

Smaller organizations also have inherently low overheads which help them deliver better valued and customized solutions. And rather than being the jack of all trades, companies can utilize international and local collaborations to complement each other’s core competencies and deliver high value solutions.