About Us
Mohsin Muslim is a Sociologist and senior researcher. He is a member of ESOMAR and MRSP with more than 23 years professional experience.
As a survey research consultant he has served many clients and research organizations. He is an experienced moderator and help clients in conducting qualitative/quantitative research in Pakistan. He offers consultancy services in providing training, quality assurance, research design, sampling and data insights.
He has conducted training sessions on “survey research methods” in Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, UAE and Pakistan. He has taught courses on Marketing Research, Research Methods, Media Research and Marketing Research Practicum at graduation and post graduation level in leading universities including FAST – NUCES, Punjab University, PIMSATS, University of Management and Techonolgy and UCP in Pakistan.
He is CEO/Owner of International Field & Tab besides his freelance (short term consultancies) to data users, data services providers,survey research companies and consultancy organizations.
He is former Vice President of Marketing Association of Pakistan and holding the office Vice President of Alumni Association of Punjab University Sociologists.
Mohsin attended a course on “US Census 2010 and its effect on Multiculturalism” in United States and met officials of US census organization in 2010.